Root Boost Organic Turf and Plant Supplement (1/2Gal)

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SKU: Root Boost 1/2 Gal
UPC CODE: RootBoostHalfGal

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Root Boost is an organic seaweed extract that is a source of cytokinins and auxins which increase root growth, tiller, rhizome and stolon production resulting in increased plant vigor and optimized stress tolerance. Root Boost enhances plant growth by developing a deeper, denser root system in turf, ornamental plants, trees and flowering plants. By amplifying root mass and disease tolerant leaf tissue, Root Boost strengthens plants and increases tolerance to stress caused by disease, insect infestation, lack of water and other environmental factors.

Root Boost is formulated to contain extremely low levels of gibberelic acid.  At warmer temperatures, gibberellic acid promotes unwanted top growth and excessive seed heads in turf.  Root Boost also provides a unique source of organic content that improves soil microbial activity and nutrient availability.  By increasing root mass, Root Boost is a root hormone biostimulant which will improve the performance of turf, landscape plants, trees, and flowering plants.

Key Features:

  • Promotes plant vitality
  • Stimulates root growth
  • Improves micronutrients
  • Optimizes stress tolerance
  • 100% organic product
Derived From: Seaweed Extract (Ascophyllum nodosum)

Physical Characteristics: 9.0lbs/gal; pH 7.0

Application Instructions:

Root Boost is recommended for soil or foliar application.  It may be applied alone, or tank-mixed with fungicides, insecticides, and micronutrients.

Directions for Use:

Do not apply to crops which will be used for food or feed purposes.  Root Boost Hormone Biostimulant for Turf, Nursery, and Landscape Crop Management can be applied as a mixture with most fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, or liquid fertilizers.

Golf Fairways, Greens, & Sport Turf:

Apply 4oz per 2,500 square feet at first green-up and repeat monthly or as needed.  During intense periods of use apply 2 oz per 2,500 square feet weekly to maintain root structure and renew root growth and vigor.


Apply 4oz per 2,500 square feet at first green-up and repeat monthly or as needed.

Sod Farming:

Apply at 2 pints per acre monthly to sod fields to promote root, tiller, and rhizome growth to bring to harvest more quickly.  Repeat at 1 to 2 pints at 2 to 4 week intervals as needed for 1-4 days before harvest to initiate new root growth when sod is laid.

Propagation of Cuttings:

Dip cutting in appropriate commercial hormone powder or rooting solution and stick in rooting medium.  Spray or mist cuttings with a solutions of 2 fluid ounces of Root Boost to 3 gallons of water (2 quarts per 100 gallons) at weekly to bi-weekly intervals until root buds initiate.


Add 2 fluid ounces per 3 gallons of transplant solution (fertilizer water).  Drench the root zone.  Follow with spray to foliage or add through irrigation system at 2 to 4 week intervals at the rate of 2 quarts per 100 gallons.


Add 2 fluid ounces per 3 gallons (2 quarts per 100 gallons) of fertilizer or water solution and apply.  Follow with spray to foliage or add through irrigation system.

Nutritional Deficiencies:

To promote rapid uptake and correction of nutrient deficiencies in ornamentals and turf, add Root Boost to iron, nitrogen, phosphate or potash fertilizers, zinc, or other nutrient solutions at the rate of 2 fluid ounces per 3 gallons (2 quarts per 100 gallons).  Apply as a soil drench or foliar spray.

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