Banishing Ragweed

A Simple Guide to Identifying and Controlling this Allergy Menace

Written by
Joshua Gifford
Published on
May 4, 2023 at 12:48:36 PM PDT May 4, 2023 at 12:48:36 PM PDTth, May 4, 2023 at 12:48:36 PM PDT

Ragweed, a common and unwelcome guest in many lawns, is a notorious trigger for seasonal allergies. If you're tired of sneezing and itching your way through the warmer months, it's time to take action against this pesky plant. This blog post will help you understand how to identify ragweed and offer simple, effective ways to control its growth in your lawn.

Identifying Ragweed

Ragweed can be easily confused with other plants, so proper identification is crucial. Here's what you should look for:

  1. 1. Leaves: Ragweed leaves are green and fern-like in appearance. They are usually divided into several smaller leaflets, which give them a lacy, delicate look.
  2. 2. Stems: The stems of ragweed plants are green and slightly hairy, with some red or purple streaks.
  3. 3. Flowers: Ragweed blooms from late summer to early fall, producing small, greenish-yellow flowers. These flowers are grouped in clusters at the top of the plant, resembling tiny spikes or cones.
  4. 4. Size: Ragweed typically grows to a height of 1 to 5 feet, depending on the species and growing conditions.

Controlling Ragweed in Your Lawn

Once you've identified ragweed in your lawn, it's time to focus on control and prevention. Here are some simple, effective methods to control its growth:

  1. 1. Mowing: Regularly mowing your lawn is one of the most effective ways to keep ragweed at bay. Set your mower to a height of 2 to 3 inches, as taller grass can better compete with ragweed and prevent its establishment.
  2. 2. Fertilizing: A well-fertilized lawn promotes healthy grass growth, which can outcompete ragweed. Apply a slow-release fertilizer according to the product instructions to give your grass the nutrients it needs to thrive.
  3. 3. Watering: Water your lawn deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth in your grass. This will help your grass withstand ragweed competition more effectively.
  4. 4. Overseeding: Overseeding your lawn with a high-quality grass seed can help fill in bare spots and create a dense turf, leaving little room for ragweed to grow.
  5. 5. Chemical control: If other methods aren't enough, consider using a selective herbicide specifically designed to target ragweed. Always follow the product instructions carefully and apply it during the early stages of ragweed growth for the best results.

Ragweed may be a sneeze-inducing nuisance, but with proper identification and control methods, you can keep this pesky plant at bay in your lawn. By mowing, fertilizing, watering, over-seeding, or using chemical control, when necessary, you can maintain a ragweed-free lawn and enjoy the outdoors without the constant sneezing and itching.

Ragweed Control Products

Triad SFZ Select

Triad SFZ Select - the ultimate solution for post-emergent broadleaf weed control! Kill the weeds and not your lawn. This combination of herbicides provide limited residual activity, ensuring effective control at specified use rates.


WeedMaster is a post-emergent selective herbicide that can be used to control a wide range of broadleaf weeds. Trusted by growers and ranchers for years to control weeds in sugarcane, pastures, small grains, and fallowland.


Sedgemaster is a selective, post-emergent herbicide concentrate designed specifically to kill purple and yellow nutsedge and some broadleaf weeds without injury to turfgrasses and ornamentals.